Online educational platforms and online courses: analysis of effectiveness and benefits in the context of distance learning


  • Oksana L. Mokhova Moscow International University
  • Elena V. Sachkova Russian University of Transport
  • Tatiana A. Pavlishak Russian State University for the Humanities
  • Kira V. Trostina Plekhanov Russian University of Economics



education, platforms, courses, research


The progressive advancement of digital technologies and the Internet landscape is profoundly influencing the modern educational context, leading to significant transformation and dynamic rejuvenation of learning methods. Online courses and web platforms have become catalysts in the evolution of the educational sphere, rendering the learning process more adaptive and accessible. A thorough investigation and adequate evaluation of the benefits and efficiency of these innovative tools in distance learning have become indispensable tasks. The central focus of this material is the analytical examination of the benefits and effectiveness of the application of web platforms and online courses within the educational context. The basis of the research is distance education, a key structural component in the field of contemporary education. Established educational approaches are being revitalized and are becoming accessible to a broader range of individuals thanks to the transformation and simplification of the learning process through online platforms and courses. However, alongside the apparent advantages, there are also specific characteristics and difficulties associated with the use of these tools, which we will consider in this article. With the aim of optimizing the overall educational process, conducting a detailed analysis of online platforms and courses to determine their effectiveness and benefits is critically important. Such an analytical approach is necessary to determine their place in the modern educational system and to create strategies and recommendations for their future application.


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How to Cite

Мохова ОЛ, Сачкова ЕВ, Павлишак ТА, Тростина КВ. Online educational platforms and online courses: analysis of effectiveness and benefits in the context of distance learning. УО [Internet]. 2023Jun.30 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(9):116-23. Available from: