Open access scientific information: communication models in the educational space


  • Irina V. Bykova Bryansk State Technical University
  • Elena S. Zyablova Bryansk State Technical University
  • Elena V. Udovenko Bryansk State Technical University



educational space, open access, information, science, models


The development of world science in recent decades can be outlined in several directions: on the one hand, the specialization of research is deepening (through the separation and detailing of scientific disciplines as a whole), on the other hand, directions are developing that cover research in various disciplines: human genome projects, space research, high energy physics, and the like. The global global cooperation of scientists, universities, scientific societies is growing, which requires active, prompt, reliable and convenient means of disseminating scientific information, communication of researchers. Scientific communication is a necessary component of science, the driving force of science, without which it cannot develop. The structure of scientific communications in the beginning XXI century . It is at the stage of radical changes. The evolution of traditional publishing houses and magazines is influenced by economic, legal, and technical factors. But most of all, these changes are influenced by the latest information and computer technologies, especially the development of the Internet and the Web, which has significantly changed not the essence of scientific communication, but its mechanisms: the creation and dissemination of scientific information, electronic publications, communication processes and cognition in general.


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How to Cite

Быкова ИВ, Зяблова ЕС, Удовенко ЕВ. Open access scientific information: communication models in the educational space. УО [Internet]. 2023Jun.30 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(8):67-74. Available from:

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