Development of music education in Russian universities in the aspects of globalization


  • Elena V. Lukina Moscow City Pedagogical University
  • Natalya M. Semenyuk Moscow City Pedagogical University



music education, universities, Russia, globalization


Music education in Russia has a long tradition and is recognized all over the world. The country's music universities produce highly qualified specialists who work not only in Russia, but also abroad. However, the modern world poses new challenges and opportunities for the music industry and music education related to globalization and digitalization. Currently, music education in Russia is going through a period of adaptation to new trends and requirements of the labor market. In this regard, the task of finding new teaching methods and using modern technologies, as well as the development of an interdisciplinary approach, becomes urgent. The development of music education in Russian universities in the context of globalization requires active international activity. Participation in international projects, organization of international competitions and festivals, master classes with foreign colleagues allow expanding the horizons of students and teachers, exchanging experience and knowledge, raising the level of musical culture and developing professional skills. The purpose of this article is to analyze the development of music education in Russian universities in the aspects of globalization and identify the main trends, challenges and prospects of the industry. To achieve this goal, the existing training programs, methods of evaluating the effectiveness of training and new technologies in music education were analyzed.


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How to Cite

Лукина ЕВ, Семенюк НМ. Development of music education in Russian universities in the aspects of globalization. УО [Internet]. 2023Feb.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(2):183-92. Available from:

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