Adjective name as an object of study at school


  • Taisiya D. Magomadova Grozny State Petroleum Technical University
  • Satsita B. Yagaeva Grozny State Petroleum Technical University
  • Shumisat Z. Khazhmukhambetova Chechen State Pedagogical University



adjective definitions, qualitative adjectives, vocabulary, lexical and grammatical category of words, learning process, Russian language


The article discusses adjectives in school study. A special place is occupied by lexical and grammatical features of adjectives. Researchers present various definitions of an adjective – a part of speech expressing: a static feature of the subject; a non-procedural feature of the subject; a feature of the subject expressing this meaning in grammatical categories of gender, number and case; a categorical value of a non-procedural feature of the subject expressed by syntactic categories of gender, number, case, category of membership / nonmembership; static attribute by means of syntactically dependent grammatical categories of gender, number and case; constant (static), etc. In morphological phrases, an adjective can be an integral part of nominal phrases. Semantic and morphological characteristics of an adjective are directly related to syntactic ones.


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How to Cite

Магомадова ТД, Ягаева СБ, Хажмухамбетова ШЖ. Adjective name as an object of study at school. УО [Internet]. 2023Jan.15 [cited 2024Jul.1];13(1):234-40. Available from: