Linguistic basics of teaching spelling in russian language lessons at school


  • Muslim L. Dasuev Kadyrov Chechen State University
  • Tamara B. Dzhambekova Chechen State Pedagogical University



Russian language lesson, spelling, morphology, general didactic and methodological principles of teaching


The article is devoted to the linguistic foundations of teaching spelling at Russian language lessons in a general educational institution. The authors note that teaching the spelling of the Russian language in connection with grammar is the logically conditioned process that is necessary for the formation of the student's speech competence and, which is not unimportant, in preparing for the unified state exam. The morphological principle of spelling is considered, which involves writing significant parts of a word (morphemes) in the same way, regardless of their sound. This principle ensures the graphic uniformity of morphemes, regardless of the sound changes that may occur in them in the speech stream. However, in order to be able to use this type of algorithm, students must be able to correctly determine the structure of a word. If this skill is not sufficiently developed, students will make mistakes, will not be able to correctly identify morphemes, and, consequently, the division into syllables will be inaccurate. Sometimes words are written traditionally, without taking into account the morphological structure of the word or its sound in modern Russian. This principle of writing is called traditional, or historical. In this case, the origin of the word, its features that have developed in the process of the historical development of the language are taken into account. For example: blood - bloody, help - help.


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How to Cite

Дасуев МЛ, Джамбекова ТБ. Linguistic basics of teaching spelling in russian language lessons at school. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(12):112-8. Available from: