Managerial competencies of university development programs


  • Hussein G. Chaplaev Chechen State Pedagogical University
  • Patimat S. Bataeva Kadyrov Chechen State University



management competencies, development programs, universities, research


Socio-economic changes in our country, associated with the aggravation and complication of the processes of market transformations, form the demand for specialist managers who are able to adapt to the changing conditions of the economic environment, are competitive in the labor market and effectively interact in a professional, corporate and social environment and the like. At the same time, as the practice of the activity of the heads of various levels of management often shows, among them there is a misunderstanding or psychological rejection of the essence of economic transformations, tools to improve the efficiency of enterprises, the inability to find the best options for using material and financial resources and engage in investment activities. This, in turn, leads to the inability of graduates to manage business processes and focuses on the importance of mathematical training of students in the system of professional education. The latter makes the problem of research relevant: the development of scientific and methodological foundations for the mathematical training of students in the context of the development of their managerial competence in the system of university education. So, the economic and mathematical competence of the future bachelor of management is an integrated, intellectual and personally conditioned characteristic of a student, reflecting his ability and readiness to use economic and mathematical tools to evaluate the effectiveness of the results of management decisions and predict its consequences.


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How to Cite

Чаплаев ХГ, Батаева ПС. Managerial competencies of university development programs. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.1 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(11):114-21. Available from: