Innovatization of economic education in the context of sanctions


  • Hussein G. Chaplaev Chechen State Pedagogical University
  • Patimat S. Bataeva Chechen State University named after Kadyrov A.A.



Innovatization, education, sanctions, research, economics


In modern society, innovation is the basis of a new knowledge-based economy and the main factor in increasing the country's competitiveness. The importance of the role of innovation in solving pressing global problems was emphasized in his speech by the Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization, Francis Gurry, noting that “the world faces two dominant problems - the problem of finding a path to economic growth and the problem of climate change. Innovation is at the heart of solving both of these problems.” Francis Gurry called innovation the main source of economic growth and the space between a problem and its solution. The development of innovations requires high-quality human capital, which is formed in the field of education. It is educational innovations that should become the engine of progressive social change. At the same time, the education sector in Russia is only at the first stages of transformation, which are characterized by high barriers to the introduction of innovations. Cooperation between two higher education institutions within the framework of virtual mobility provides for the creation of a joint curriculum, organizational and methodological support for students during training, the use of educational technologies to create a virtual learning environment.


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How to Cite

Чаплаев ХГ, Батаева ПС. Innovatization of economic education in the context of sanctions. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.1 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(11):93-9. Available from: