Formation of foreign language communication based on mobile technologies


  • Larisa Y. Israilova Kadyrov Chechen State University
  • Aset Sh. Davletukaeva Chechen State Pedagogical University



mobile devices, communication principle, LinguaLeo, Enpodcast, Grammar up, Animoto, Kahoot


The article is devoted to the study of modern approaches to the organization of the educational process in a secondary educational institution using mobile technologies. The authors point out that the use of mobile technologies is actively used for individual tasks to create their own photos and videos to present their own projects and presentations, and discuss them on social networks. The popularity of mobile devices, as well as applications that can be used by students for educational purposes, provides a huge potential for learning foreign languages not only in an educational institution, but also in any other place at a convenient time for the student, instilling in them independence. For example, the Lingua Leo application, designed for learning foreign languages, does not provide absolute independence for students, but helps to achieve an average level. In addition, the use of mobile applications such as Enpodcast, Grammar up, Animoto, Kahoot, which allow improving students' grammar and lexical skills and viewing or listening to foreign-language video and audio files, is gaining popularity. An important factor influencing the process of communication is the organization of interaction (dialogue) between communicating individuals, namely the interactive function of communication (exchange of actions).


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How to Cite

Исраилова ЛЮ, Давлетукаева АШ. Formation of foreign language communication based on mobile technologies. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.1 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(11):50-4. Available from:

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