The theme of creativity and responsibility of the artist in the works of N. Gogol, M. Bulgakov, O. Wilde (methods of conducting a seminar in college)
problem seminar, the theme of creativity, the image of the artist, methodology of teaching literature, interactive forms of educationAbstract
The article discusses the methodology of conducting a problem seminar on literature for college students. Methodological recommendations on the organization of the lesson "The theme of creativity and responsibility of the artist in literature", including the analysis of the works of N.V. Gogol, M. A. Bulgakov and O. Wilde, are presented. The authors of the article also offer a variant of homework on the material covered. The purpose of the seminar is a more detailed study of the works of writers, which reveals the theme of art, raises the question of the responsibility of a talented artist, his purpose. A description of the main stages of the seminar is proposed, problematic issues for discussion are developed, prospects for further study of this topic are outlined. The problem seminar involves deepening and expanding students' knowledge, develops the ability to critically analyze and the ability to defend their own point of view in a reasoned manner.The formulation of discussion questions stimulates interest in the careful reading of works, since in the process of discussion students need to prove a particular thesis, confirming it with quotations from the literary text. The importance and effectiveness of the use of interactive forms in the educational process, contributing to the development of creative and communicative abilities of students, increasing their interest in the study of literature, is substantiated.
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