Smart technologies in the formation of professional competence of future specialists
training, skill, structure, formation, development, competenceAbstract
The innovatization of education makes it possible to apply new technologies and teaching techniques that allow you to memorize significant amounts of information and contribute to the formation of a specialist who, in turn, will be able to implement the acquired knowledge in a social environment. The social significance of the development of pedagogical education allows to increase the general level of cultural perception of the population. The novelty of the research is determined by the fact that pedagogical technologies cannot often be considered as part of the learning process. The authors show that a significant part of modern educational technologies is aimed only at ensuring that students can assimilate a certain amount of knowledge and apply it in the course of their practical activities. Innovative technology allows you to teach students or other students to a level where students themselves can apply the same pedagogical technology for further education in life. This forms a deeper level of discipline development and increases the potential level of mastery. The practical significance of the research lies in the application of learning technologies for the development of a comprehensive personality and the formation of a civic position based on an independent assessment of information.
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