The concept of "competence in a cyclical economy" in the international scientific space


  • Zina A. Arsakhanova Chechen State University named after A-X.Kadyrova



education, circular economy, research, transition


Greening the economy will require a lot of new skills, which requires significant investment in education. In the transition to a new economic model of the circular economy, higher education plays a major role, which requires its immediate response to new challenges. Higher education should be able to train the "green" specialists needed and expected in the circular labor market. Vocational education and lifelong learning should offer new approaches to the training of specialists in various industries that will allow them to apply the principles of circular economy in their professional activities. In addition, the process of professional training of specialists in circular economy should take into account the goals of greening the economy by introducing the principles of circular economy into educational programs and developing new courses. Accordingly, the purpose and content of training specialists from a certain field of circular economy requires rethinking and justification, taking into account modern global changes in the economy. One of the primary tasks is to understand and formulate the concept of "competence in the circular economy" as a relatively new concept in the Federal Educational discourse.


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How to Cite

Арсаханова ЗА. The concept of "competence in a cyclical economy" in the international scientific space. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(5):57-62. Available from:

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