Development of forms and methods of virtual presence in educational activities


  • Irina V. Bykova Брянский государственный технический университет
  • Elena S. Zyablova Bryansk State Technical University
  • Elena V. Udovenko Bryansk State Technical University



virtual words, reality, education, study


The article discusses the concepts of "virtual reality" and "augmented reality". The formation of the origins of virtual reality is revealed, the difference between virtual reality and augmented reality is argued. The world experimental studies of the use of virtual and augmented reality in the modern  educational process and their results are characterized. These and other features of virtual and augmented reality demonstrate their advantages over traditional methods of organizing educational activities. The article presents the varieties of virtual reality elements, their impact on the educational process. The types of virtual reality systems are defined, the differentiation of which lies in the plane of the methods and modes of their interaction with the self-interest. The advantages and disadvantages and problems of using virtual and augmented realities in the modern educational process are considered. Examples of virtual and augmented reality educational applications are given, which makes learning more effective, namely: Google Expeditions, Second Life, Melchemistry, New Horizon, Project Glass, Atom Visualizer, CreatorAVR, School in the Park, AR excursions. In Europe, the most popular project has become "ClassVR", with the help of which it is possible to carry out training using virtual reality technologies, not only in small groups, but also in real classrooms with a large number of students, which, in fact, began to be massively implemented in modern European universities.


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How to Cite

Быкова ИВ, Зяблова ЕС, Удовенко ЕВ. Development of forms and methods of virtual presence in educational activities. УО [Internet]. 2022May15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(3):256-64. Available from:

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