Development of speech skills and abilities in learning english


  • Elena N. Mamedova TI (F) NEFU named after M.K. Ammosov in the city of Neryungri
  • Larisa V. Mamedova TI (F) NEFU named after M.K. Ammosov in the city of Neryungri



english, speech competence, extralinguistic difficulties, structure of speech activity, listening, reading, writing, speech skill


To date, the educational standards of general education in English provide for students to master the following speech skills: reading, listening, writing and speaking. English, like Russian, is the main communication tool, therefore, in teaching a foreign language, the teacher needs to pay special attention to the types of speech activity. However, the teacher faces some diverse difficulties, and the mastery of students' communicative competence depends on overcoming them. It is worth noting that communicative actions provide social competence, the ability to enter into a dialogue, the ability to build constructive interaction with the interlocutor, and much more. The problem of the formation of speech skills in teaching a foreign language is an urgent topic, as in modern conditions, the development of speech skills in students is given insufficient time in the educational process, which leads to a number of problems, due to which children are not able to competently build sentences with their subsequent utterance, are not able to perceive English speech by ear, and also experience difficulties in writing and reading. Moreover, students may encounter linguistic interference, a language barrier and other aspects that hinder the development of the child.


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How to Cite

Мамедова ЕН, Мамедова ЛВ. Development of speech skills and abilities in learning english. УО [Internet]. 2022May15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(3):70-5. Available from: