Formation of economic competencies in the process of studying financial disciplines at the profile level of education


  • Elena M. Burnaeva Pacific State University
  • Anna N. Matafonova Pacific State University



education, economics, pedagogy, research, training


According to a study by the World Economic Forum 2021, the development of artificial intelligence, robotics and other modern technologies will lead to the destruction of 75 million jobs by the end of 2022, but at the same time their introduction will create 133 million new jobs. This directs the innovative development of the Russian educational system to a new stage of fundamental changes. It is important that these substantial cardinal changes proposed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in the draft Federal Standard of Basic Secondary Education are aimed at developing new skills among applicants for education, deepening their specialization in order to be professionally in demand on the labor market. But the problems of economic education in gymnasiums and colleges in Russia remain unresolved, which is very relevant in the era of globalization. In order to conduct a scientific study to determine the level of economics education in general secondary education institutions, we have created a working group, which includes experienced scientists, methodologists and teachers, because the academic subject "economics" is derived from the basic model plan and transferred to the variable part, which threatens the existence of this subject in general. In the 2019-2021 academic year, changes to the curricula came into effect, where economics is represented only at the profile level, and the absence of the Unified State Exam in this subject makes it prestigious among other school subjects. Nevertheless, teaching economics at the profile level makes it possible to increase the level of variability through elective courses.


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How to Cite

Бурнаева ЕМ, Матафонова АН. Formation of economic competencies in the process of studying financial disciplines at the profile level of education. УО [Internet]. 2022Apr.15 [cited 2024Jul.1];12(2):24-30. Available from: