Continuity of anticipating socialization of young people into the society of the future


  • Elena N. Dzyatkovskaya Institute of Education Development Strategy
  • Anatoly N. Zakhlebny Institute of Education Development Strategy
  • Vega V. Pustovalova UIA "Information and Methodological Center"



anticipating socialization, sustainable development of society, continuity, green axiom


The article defines anticipatory (anticipatory) socialization as mastering the views, rules, norms, style and values of a social group, society, to which one does not belong, but strives, would like to belong. The possibility of trying out, rehearsal of new social interaction, trying on social roles and social relations in the light of planetary strategic tasks of sustainable development is considered. It is proved, that the central ontological, axiological and praxiological category of advanced socialization for sustainable development is the ecological imperative (N.N. Moiseev), which directs to cardinal changes of relation of the person to the nature, rethinking and redesigning of the way of life, formation of ecologically responsible outlook and values. The problem of continuity of advanced socialization of youth, formation of abilities to anticipate, forecast their future life, to "try" to change their attitudes and behavior, to create a "draft" of variable life scenarios, to carry out their real search is raised. Regenerative education is considered as a means of ensuring the continuity of anticipatory socialization, focused on the formation of young people the foundations of the culture of sustainable development based on the continuity of the language picture of the world, including new conceptual metaphors reflecting the key categories of sustainable development and basic archetypal cultural concepts.


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How to Cite

Дзятковская ЕН, Захлебный АН, Пустовалова ВВ. Continuity of anticipating socialization of young people into the society of the future. УО [Internet]. 2022Feb.10 [cited 2024Jul.3];11(6):42-5. Available from: