The Federal Budget of the Russian Federation as an instrument of socio-economic development: educational aspects


  • Milana G. Uspayeva Chechen State University
  • Akhmed M. Gachaev Grozny State Oil Technical University named after Academician M. D. Millionshchikov, Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic



Budget, institutional environment, conditions, education, management


Modern research is increasingly focused both on obtaining new knowledge and on practical application, with an emphasis on context and social significance. Due to the blurring of boundaries between disciplines, traditional academic definitions and research quality criteria are no longer sufficient. Effective quality criteria are necessary to manage funding, continuous development and promotion of scientific methods, projects and programs, the absence of such criteria hinders the development of research. Appropriate quality assessment significantly affects the support and financing of scientific research, and also targets researchers and managers to perform high-quality research and trains them to do so. Meanwhile, approaches to the evaluation of research are still based primarily on the publication of scientific results (the prestige of publication and print edition), citations and expert evaluation. Although these indicators of research quality remain relevant, additional criteria are needed to characterize research results and long-term social consequences. Among the numerous definitions of financing for the decentralization of higher education by domestic scientists, we will cite the following: decentralization concerns the provision of public services to the population, which, for its part, requires solving issues of the distribution of powers, property and financial resources.


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How to Cite

Успаева МГ, Гачаев АМ. The Federal Budget of the Russian Federation as an instrument of socio-economic development: educational aspects. УО [Internet]. 2021Oct.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];11(5):109-16. Available from:

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