Opportunities to use social media and digital content to enrich environmental management courses and enhance student engagement


  • Dmitry S. Petrenko Moscow City Pedagogical University; Private school «Earthlings»




environmental management, social media, digital content, student engagement, learning effectiveness, innovative educational technologies


Social media and digital content represent innovative tools that can significantly enrich environmental management courses and enhance student engagement. Facebook Instagram and Twitter, as well as digital content, including videos, infographics and interactive applications, are used to explore the possibilities of using social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter in the process of teaching environmental management. The research methodology includes the analysis of existing literature, conducting surveys among teachers and students, as well as the experimental introduction of social media and digital content into the educational process. The study revealed that the use of social networks can increase student engagement by 35%, and the use of interactive digital content contributes to an increase in material assimilation by 28%. In addition, 87% of the surveyed teachers noted that social media and digital content greatly facilitate the process of communication with students and allow them to promptly provide up-to-date information. The results of the study demonstrate that the integration of social media and digital content into environmental management courses is a promising area that can significantly increase the effectiveness of training and student interest. The strategies and recommendations proposed in the study can be used by teachers to modernize their courses and adapt to modern technological trends in education.


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How to Cite

Petrenko DS. Opportunities to use social media and digital content to enrich environmental management courses and enhance student engagement. УО [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 30 [cited 2024 Nov. 21];14(3-2):166–173. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/1454

