What is the health-saving lesson aimed at?


  • Elena N. Dzyatkovskaya Institute for Strategy of Education Development of the Russian Academy of Education




lesson, health saving, health resource, adaptation, compensation, biopsychosocial model


Over the past few centuries, numerous scientific facts in the field of pedagogy, physiology, medicine, hygiene, psychohygeny, psychology and neuropsychology have accumulated in culture, which may be important for the construction of a health-saving school lesson: its pedagogical goals, methodological foundations, content, methods, forms, and control of results. The article is devoted to the key issue of designing a health-saving lesson, namely, its object: what should a health-saving lesson be aimed at? Despite the apparent obviousness of the answer, the author proves that modern ideas about the biopsychosocial nature of health have not yet been reflected in pedagogical science, as well as the understanding of health as an educational product. The article discusses the resource approach to the health of students in the classroom developed by the author at the Scientific Center for Family Health and Human Reproduction of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Personal, intellectual, psycho-emotional, physical, and socio-cultural health resources are classified on the basis of ideas about the system-activity approach and universal educational actions. An idea is given about the integral resources of a child's health in terms of educational loads. It is proved that it is education, not medicine, that has the ability to optimize the functioning and maturation of the central regulatory systems of the child's body that determine the state of his health. The article examines typical mistakes made by schools in the field of health care for schoolchildren when it is limited to hygienic measures that do not take into account the possibilities of the educational process for the formation of multi-level resources of child health by pedagogical means.


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How to Cite

Дзятковская ЕН. What is the health-saving lesson aimed at?. УО [Internet]. 2024Mar.30 [cited 2024Jul.18];14(3-2):33–41. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/1435

