Problems and prospects for the development of inclusive education in modern secondary and special vocational education


  • Irina N. Glazunova Moscow Financial and Industrial University Synergy
  • Alexandra I. Meremyanina Lipetsk State Pedagogical University named after P. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky



psychological and pedagogical conditions, secondary specialized vocational education, value orientations, professional personal qualities of a teacher


This article highlights the main problems of inclusive education in modern secondary specialized vocational education. Particular attention is paid to the shortage of personnel in the inclusive educational process of a secondary specialized professional organization for students with disabilities. The article examines the educational aspect of students in inclusive education of secondary vocational education. Attention is paid to the education of the younger generation, the spiritual and moral development of students with disabilities and normally developing peers. The importance of the integrative professional activity of a modern teacher of the inclusive educational process is considered, his main role in creating favorable psychological and pedagogical conditions for successful cooperation between school and family, and in nurturing tolerance among all participants in the educational process. We are talking not only about creating favorable conditions in organizing the educational space for quality education of students with normal development and students with disabilities, but also touches on the educational aspect. Attention is focused on high-quality systemic professional retraining of working secondary vocational education teachers in order to eliminate the shortage of personnel of special education specialists who are capable of creatively fulfilling their professional responsibilities. The prospects for the development of high-quality inclusive secondary vocational education are determined, guided by regulatory international, federal, departmental and regional documents, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin.


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How to Cite

Глазунова ИН, Меремьянина АИ. Problems and prospects for the development of inclusive education in modern secondary and special vocational education. УО [Internet]. 2024Mar.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];14(3-1):169–174. Available from:

