Practical aspects of the use of simulation games and virtual reality for the training of specialists in the field of environmental management in universities


  • Dmitry S. Petrenko Moscow City Pedagogical University; Private school «Earthlings»



environmental management, higher education, simulation games, virtual reality, practice-oriented training, professional competencies, pedagogical model


In the context of worsening environmental problems and the transition to sustainable development, the training of qualified specialists in the field of environmental management is of particular importance. Innovative educational technologies, such as simulation games and virtual reality (VR), open up new opportunities for students to develop practice-oriented competencies. The purpose of the study is to identify the specifics and substantiate the pedagogical potential of using simulation games and VR to train environmental managers in universities. The research is based on a set of complementary methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific literature on the problem, expert survey (N=25), pedagogical modeling, experimental work with students (N=120). During the experiment, author's simulation games and VR cases developed on the basis of real environmental projects were used. Tests, case-meters, and evaluation scales were used to assess the effectiveness. The effectiveness of integrating simulation games and VR into the training of environmental managers is substantiated: the development of analytical and design skills (an increase of 35%), increased motivation for professional activity (84% of respondents). A pedagogical model for the use of simulation games and VR has been developed and tested, and its effectiveness has been proven. The organizational and pedagogical conditions for the effective use of these technologies are determined. Discussion. The obtained results contribute to the theory and methodology of professional environmental education, expand scientific understanding of the didactic potential of simulation games and VR. The proposed model and conditions can be used to modernize the training of environmental managers in universities. Research prospects are outlined: the development of adaptive VR environments integrating real environmental data.


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How to Cite

Петренко ДС. Practical aspects of the use of simulation games and virtual reality for the training of specialists in the field of environmental management in universities. УО [Internet]. 2024Mar.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];14(3-1):88–96. Available from:

