Formation of intercultural competence among students of non-linguistic specialties in the process of learning English


  • Oksana L. Mokhova Russian University of Transport
  • Tatyana A. Pavlishak Russian State University for the Humanities
  • Alina F. Belozor Bryansk Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
  • Natalia S. Marshal Moscow International University



intercultural competence, English, non-linguistic specialties, teaching methods, culture, communication


This article examines the actual problem of the formation of intercultural competence among students of non-linguistic specialties in the process of learning English. The aim of the study is to identify effective methods and approaches to the development of intercultural competence that contribute to successful adaptation and interaction in a multicultural environment. The research materials used were scientific publications by domestic and foreign authors devoted to the problems of intercultural communication and English language teaching. The methodological basis of the work was based on competence-based, communicative and cultural approaches. In the course of the study, the theoretical aspects of the formation of intercultural competence were analyzed, the key components of this competence were identified and the pedagogical conditions for its development were determined. The results of the study showed that the effective formation of intercultural competence among students of non-linguistic specialties is possible with the integrated use of various teaching methods and technologies, such as role-playing games, case method, project activities, discussions, etc. It is established that an important role in the development of intercultural competence is played by the creation of an authentic language environment, immersion in the culture of the country of the studied language, as well as reflection on one's own cultural experience. The results obtained can be used in the practice of teaching English at a university to increase the level of intercultural competence of students and prepare them for effective interaction in a global multicultural space.


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How to Cite

Мохова ОЛ, Павлишак ТА, Белозор АФ, Маршал НС. Formation of intercultural competence among students of non-linguistic specialties in the process of learning English. УО [Internet]. 2024Feb.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];14(2-1):231-9. Available from:




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