Musical and pedagogical modeling of child-parent relations in orphaned children within the framework of the program «Conscious parenthood, joyful motherhood» (a retrospective study)
orphans, Children's home, Orphanage, conscious parenting, Sonatal pedagogy, music of motherhood and childhoodAbstract
The article considers the problem of socialization and adaptation of children raised in orphanages, orphans and children from single-parent families, and also searches for ways to solve it using the example of the implementation of the program «Conscious Parenthood, joyful motherhood», developed within the framework of the musical and pedagogical system of harmonization of the development of children of Sonatal pedagogy (author – M.L. Lazarev) and organized on the basis of the Regional Center for Psychological, Medical and Social Support (KCMSS) in Khabarovsk in 2007-2009. The aim of the work is to create psychological and pedagogical conditions for the socialization of orphaned children, the formation of their dominant family and family values. The article examines the experience of implementing the program «Conscious parenthood, joyful motherhood». The program was attended by children of Orphanages and teenagers of Orphanages in the number of 32 people. The study showed that the program contributed to a change in the worldview of teenage girls, the formation and development of a new positive model of the world, family, attitude towards themselves as the founder of their kind, and in young children – improved communication skills, increased emotional tone and improved health.
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