A differentiated approach to teaching English in non-linguistic universities: strategies and methods of implementation


  • Oleg I. Basherov Moscow International University; Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin (Technology. Design. Art)
  • Maya R. Zhigalova Moscow International University
  • Irina A. Sosfenova Russian University of Transport
  • Olga V. Trofimova Plekhanov Russian University of Economics




differentiated approach, English language teaching, non-linguistic university, professional orientation, individual characteristics, learning strategies, teaching methods


In modern conditions of globalization and internationalization of education, English language proficiency is becoming an integral component of the professional competence of graduates of non-linguistic universities. However, traditional approaches to teaching English often do not take into account the individual characteristics and needs of students, which leads to a decrease in motivation and effectiveness of the educational process. This article is devoted to the study of a differentiated approach to teaching English in non-linguistic universities as one of the most promising areas for improving the quality of language training. The purpose of the study is to develop theoretical and methodological foundations and practical recommendations for the implementation of a differentiated approach to teaching English in non-linguistic universities, taking into account the specifics of professional orientation, the initial level of language training and individual characteristics of students. The methodological basis of the research consists of personality-oriented, competence-based and communicative-activity approaches to teaching foreign languages. The work uses such methods as the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, pedagogical observation, questionnaires, testing, statistical data processing and pedagogical experiment. In the course of the study, criteria for differentiating English language teaching in non-linguistic universities were developed, including professional orientation (technical, economic, legal profiles), the initial level of language training (elementary, basic, advanced) and individual characteristics of students (type of thinking, leading channel of information perception, strategies for language acquisition). Based on these criteria, experimental groups of students (n=120) were formed, in which differentiated strategies and methods of teaching English were tested. The results of the study indicate a significant increase in the effectiveness of English language teaching in experimental groups compared with control groups. Thus, the average academic performance in the experimental groups increased by 28% (from 67% to 95%), the level of motivation to learn English increased by 32% (from 54% to 86%), and the degree of student satisfaction with the quality of language training reached 94%. At the same time, the highest results were achieved in groups with a technical training profile and an advanced initial level of language training.


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How to Cite

Башеров ОИ, Жигалова МР, Сосфенова ИА, Трофимова ОВ. A differentiated approach to teaching English in non-linguistic universities: strategies and methods of implementation. УО [Internet]. 2024Feb.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];14(2-1):42-51. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/1324




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