Technology for conducting a seminar-discussion “The image of a doctor in the works of A.P. Chekhov and M.A. Bulgakov" at the medical college


  • Elena V. Ushakova Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy"
  • Olga V. Barabanova Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy"



seminar-discussion, methods of teaching literature, the topic of medicine, the image of a doctor, professionally oriented training, A.P. Chekhov, M.A. Bulgakov


The article discusses the technology of organizing practical classes on literature for students of medical colleges in the form of a seminar-discussion. The importance of professionally oriented assignments in the discipline “Literature” for medical college students is emphasized. Studying the general education discipline “Literature” contributes not only to the formation of students’ reading and literary competencies, but also to the development of their professional competencies. Methodological recommendations for organizing a seminar dedicated to the image of a doctor in the works of A.P. are presented. Chekhov and M.A. Bulgakov. Literature and medicine are intertwined in the life and work of these authors, which is reflected in the discussion during the practical lesson. Based on the analysis of works, it seems appropriate to formulate discussion questions that stimulate the creative and analytical abilities of students, as well as improve communication skills. The article outlines the main stages of organizing a lesson, and also suggests specific works for analysis. Studying the stories of A.P. Chekhov and M.A. Bulgakov, whose main characters are doctors, will help students understand the complexity and responsibility of a doctor’s work. Professionally oriented classes, including the study of images of doctors in the books of Russian writers, arouse interest among students, influence the awareness of the significance of the future profession, and also help develop relevant qualities. The study of “medical text” encourages careful reading of works, develops critical thinking and skills in analyzing works of art.


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How to Cite

Ушакова ЕВ, Барабанова ОВ. Technology for conducting a seminar-discussion “The image of a doctor in the works of A.P. Chekhov and M.A. Bulgakov" at the medical college. УО [Internet]. 2023Nov.30 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(11-2):34-9. Available from:

