Harmonization of the development of infants and young children using the method of cognitive-somatic gymnastics "Intoning"
Cognitive-somatic gymnastics, Intoning method, harmonization of child development, the concept of pedagogical harmoniology, sensory simulators, polysensory trainingAbstract
The article presents research materials on the use of the method of cognitive-somatic gymnastics “intoning” (from the Latin “intonare” - to pronounce loudly), aimed at optimizing the processes of morphofunctional maturation of infants and young children, ensuring the adaptation of the child’s cardiovascular system to the respiratory-motor system loads arising in the process of specially organized vocal and speech activity, accompanied by the influence of sensory factors. The method uses sound and color as sensory factors that stimulate the child’s breathing and movement, and uses sensory simulators (sound recording equipment, sensory cards, breathing and color-musical simulators). Particular attention in the method is paid to the process of development of verbal speech, which is associated with the formation of mechanisms for the formation of musical, artistic and motor speech. The results obtained during the study give reason to say that the use of the method of cognitive-somatic gymnastics both in the family and in the conditions of children's educational and medical institutions, starting from the newborn period, makes it possible to have a positive multifunctional effect on the child’s body through the harmonization of motor development, sensory and cognitive functions. In general, we can say that the “Intoning” method of cognitive-somatic gymnastics, starting from the neonatal period, allows for a multifunctional effect on the child’s body through the harmonization of the development of motor, sensory and cognitive functions.
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