Emotional response as a personal determinant of professional fatigue of employees of transport and logistics organizations


  • Svetlana S. Betanova Moscow Financial and Industrial University Synergy
  • Marina B. Pozina Moscow Financial and Industrial University Synergy
  • Elena V. Simakova Moscow Financial and Industrial University Synergy
  • Vyacheslav N. Sigunov Moscow Financial and Industrial University Synergy




professional fatigue, psychocorrective work, emotional exhaustion, burnout, managers, clients, transport and logistics company


The article is devoted to the search for ways to identify personal determinants of professional fatigue of subjects of labor in the field of managerial work: transport and logistics companies that employ service sales managers. Burnout, professional fatigue, stress are revealed in such employees, since they are obliged to interact with human resources, which causes emotional exhaustion, overexcitation, and conflict situations in employees. This situation determines the tasks of psycho-corrective influence and carrying out a restoring psychological influence. Occupational fatigue is a very urgent problem today, it has always aroused interest among rehabilitation specialists, psychologists, because this problem could affect everyone. Most of all, people working in the field of social and communicative professions (medical workers, teachers, social workers, psychologists, lawyers, policemen, etc.) are inclined to it. a person has a certain emptiness inside, due to constant contact with other people who experience negative emotions and “throw out” on people around them. At one time, such a state was equated with emotional burnout, however, having nothing in common, since it relates to the sphere of work. A very low level of emotional reaction was found in 8% (4 people) of the employees of the transport and logistics company.


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How to Cite

Betanova SS, Pozina MB, Simakova EV, Sigunov VN. Emotional response as a personal determinant of professional fatigue of employees of transport and logistics organizations. УО [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 15 [cited 2024 Nov. 24];13(9):39-45. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/1027