The importance of scientific research for the development of higher education Institutions


  • Irina V. Bykova Bryansk State Technical University
  • Elena S. Zyablova Bryansk State Technical University
  • Elena V. Udovenko Bryansk State Technical University



scientific research, functioning, universities, improvement


Since the beginning of its existence, mankind has been collecting and accumulating information and knowledge. Along with observing the phenomena of nature and the environment, a person thought about the principles and mechanisms of action of these phenomena and the influence of various factors on each other. The question arose: how can this be used for the good of man? Therefore, the acquired knowledge needed a clear systematization. At the same time, the intellectual potential of mankind grew. Gradually, the concept of scientific and technological progress appeared - the main factor ensuring the stability and further development of society. The creation of new technical means and increasing the requirements for existing ones, the emergence of new methods for solving technical problems cause the need to revise the methods of study and create a systematization that allows you to speed up the implementation of new technical solutions in the production process and make it more efficient, as well as improve the qualification level of specialists. The gradual development and improvement of production is the main regularity of the economy based on the progress of science and technology and characterizes economic progress. In the leading countries, there is a well-formed model of the development of a modern society based on the use of new knowledge, with the implementation of which more than 70% of GDP is achieved. Consequently, the functioning and development of countries is impossible without scientific research, the platform for which is higher education institutions (universities), and the growth of the social product depends on scientific research.


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How to Cite

Быкова ИВ, Зяблова ЕС, Удовенко ЕВ. The importance of scientific research for the development of higher education Institutions. УО [Internet]. 2023Jun.30 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(8):10-8. Available from:

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