Monitoring students' progress in the process studying the lexicology of the english language


  • Razeta D. Shamileva Kadyrov Chechen State University
  • Tumisha I. Gatsieva Chechen State Pedagogical University



control, assessment, educational achievements, future teacher of a foreign language, lexicology of the English language


The article is devoted to the problem of control and evaluation as mandatory components of the learning process, the possibilities of this important element of the educational process in stimulating the activity of students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages in mastering one of the theoretical disciplines of a foreign language – lexicology. The article discusses various types of control, including testing, written work, oral exams and project assignments. The authors analyze the effectiveness of each type of control and offer recommendations on its use to determine the level of student achievement. The question of the correlation between the control of academic performance and the general level of proficiency in English vocabulary is also considered. The results of the study will help teachers and teachers to develop more effective methods of monitoring and evaluating students' academic performance in the field of English lexicology.


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How to Cite

Шамилева РД, Гациева ТИ. Monitoring students’ progress in the process studying the lexicology of the english language. УО [Internet]. 2023Jun.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(6):182-7. Available from: