Possibilities of practical application of the discipline «history of the English language» in pedagogical activity


  • Tamerlan I. Usmanov Chechen State Pedagogical University; Kadyrov Chechen State University
  • Sovdat V. Baydarova Institute of the Chechen Language




professional competence, history of the English language, English teacher, professional requirements, diachrony, historical and comparative linguistics, linguistic phenomena


The article analyzes the role of the academic discipline "History of the English language" in the formation of professional competence of students - future teachers of English. The possibility of using knowledge of the history of the English language in the pedagogical activity of an English teacher in a secondary school is demonstrated. This article explores the possibilities of practical application of the discipline "History of the English language" in pedagogical activity. The authors analyze the content and methods of teaching this subject, as well as discuss its role and significance in the educational process. The article presents examples of using materials on the history of the English language to develop students' linguistic and cultural thinking, as well as to improve their communication skills. The study confirms that the study of the history of the English language contributes to a deeper understanding of its structure and development, which is an important aspect of pedagogical work in the field of English.


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How to Cite

Усманов ТИ, Байдарова СВ. Possibilities of practical application of the discipline «history of the English language» in pedagogical activity. УО [Internet]. 2023Jun.15 [cited 2024Jul.1];13(6):15-9. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/917

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