The usage of illustrative material in the content of Russian school textbooks on foreign languages


  • Timerlan I. Usmanov Chechen State Pedagogical University; Kadyrov Chechen State University
  • Taisiya D. Magomadova Grozny State Oil Technical University



computer technologies, Internet technologies, millennials, information society


The article is devoted to the study of computer and Internet technologies in teaching English to students of non-linguistic specialties. The authors note that, taking into account the fact that modern society is turning into an informational one, information technologies play an increasingly important role in its functioning. A special place in the article is given to Internet technologies. The educational space of the Internet undoubtedly has a number of advantages over traditional printed materials. The Internet provides access to more information, services and programs, which as a result comprehensively affect the effectiveness of the learning process. This research paper highlights the features of the use of illustrative material in domestic school textbooks on foreign languages. The methods and approaches to the choice of illustrations, their role in the formation of communicative and cultural competencies of students are analyzed. Special attention is paid to the influence of illustrative material on the motivation and involvement of students in the process of learning a foreign language. The work is based on the analysis of domestic school textbooks and research in the field of methods of teaching foreign languages. The results of the study will help teachers and developers of educational materials to use illustrative material more effectively to achieve the goals of teaching foreign languages.


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How to Cite

Усманов ТИ, Магомадова ТД. The usage of illustrative material in the content of Russian school textbooks on foreign languages. УО [Internet]. 2023May15 [cited 2024Jul.1];13(5):195-200. Available from:

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