Factors of formation of readiness for entrepreneurial activity of students-entrepreneurs


  • Marina B. Pozina Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy"
  • Olga V. Zhivitsa Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy"
  • Ellina E. Sulchinskaya Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy"




entrepreneurial activity, entrepreneurial abilities, factors of formation of readiness for entrepreneurial activity, intrapersonal conflict, innovative educational technologies


This article deals with the problem of taking into account the factors of students' readiness for entrepreneurial activity and the conditions for the use of innovative educational technologies for their gradual formation. The willingness to be an entrepreneur and achieve good results in the implementation of business projects is formed under the influence of a number of objective and subjective reasons. Having objective knowledge, skills and abilities is not always enough. We need other, equally important personal characteristics that determine a person's ability to get out of the "comfort zone", help him overcome internal inconsistencies and intrapersonal conflicts. Intrapersonal conflicts have their own specifics among representatives of various professional groups. This publication presents an analysis of intrapersonal conflicts in the context of a system of professionally important qualities of students who already have their own business, while studying in the direction of "Entrepreneurship". The authors believe that with a certain elaboration and constructive resolution of intrapersonal conflicts, future entrepreneurs have a reformatting of subjective characteristics and a positive replacement of destructive motivation is born, which in a negative scenario leads to the collapse of the business. Based on the system model of the analysis of professional characteristics, the personal profile of an entrepreneur is determined and based on it, work is carried out to identify intrapersonal conflicts in problem areas of their localization. Further understanding of the diagnostic results and comparative analysis of the data obtained allows correction of subjective parameters using objective innovative technologies, such as marathon, hackathon, championships and fairs, gamification. These and other methods of modeling professionally important characteristics of an entrepreneur have been verified at the training sites of one of the leading Russian universities engaged in teaching students under the Entrepreneurship program.


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How to Cite

Позина МБ, Живица ОВ, Сульчинская ЭЭ. Factors of formation of readiness for entrepreneurial activity of students-entrepreneurs. УО [Internet]. 2023Apr.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];13(4):122-36. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/853

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