Digitization in industry and the transition to dynamic labor rationing are factors of effective management of business processes of an industrial enterprise and growth of labor productivity


  • Dmitry V. Lyutyagin ANSGAR LLC; Russian State Geological Exploration University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze (MGRI)
  • Yuri V. Zabaykin Russian State Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH)




labor productivity, labor rationing, industry 4.0, industrial enterprise, business process, operational efficiency


The scientific report is devoted to the problem of increasing labor productivity and effective management of business processes of industrial enterprises in the context of sanctions pressure on the Russian economy. This issue became quite acute starting from the 3rd quarter of 2022, when the number of technological and financial sanctions reached its maximum and Russian business faced both difficulties in terms of maintaining sales markets, and even more with the possibility of technological development and renewal of production assets. From here, organizational, technological and digital methods and tools come to the fore to ensure the growth of the efficiency of enterprises. The report analyzed the statistics and nature of labor productivity growth. An analysis of digital tools that allow maximizing the efficiency of enterprise management is given. Based on the results of the analysis, scientific conclusions were made and recommendations were given on the introduction of a certain set of digital tools into the practice of industrial enterprises.


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How to Cite

Лютягин ДВ, Забайкин ЮВ. Digitization in industry and the transition to dynamic labor rationing are factors of effective management of business processes of an industrial enterprise and growth of labor productivity. УО [Internet]. 2023Mar.15 [cited 2024Jun.29];13(4):36-43. Available from: https://emreview.ru/index.php/emr/article/view/844

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