Principles of reforming musical art education in higher educational institutions


  • Elena V. Lukina Moscow City Pedagogical University
  • Olga I. Badulina Moscow City Pedagogical University



reformation, music education, university, research


Music as one of the leading types of art is the driving force of cognition of the surrounding world and the formation of the spiritual and cultural world of the individual. During musical art classes, young people develop a worldview, moral education takes place, knowledge of the surrounding reality, therefore it is necessary to involve the younger generation in musical activity, because without music it is impossible to form a harmonious and comprehensively developed personality. The reform of the education system is impossible without the upbringing and development of a highly spiritual and creative personality, the current place is occupied by musical art, which is closely connected with the formation of spiritual culture. Through music, a person learns and evaluates the modern world, forms and distributes philosophical, ethical and cultural ideas. Musical art contributes to the transmission of deep feelings, emotions and the formation of a person's worldview. The analysis of literary sources has shown that the question of the influence of music on the formation of a harmoniously developed personality has attracted the attention of many researchers, but remains not fully worked out and requires further research. At the present stage of its development, Russian music pedagogy has faced certain problems caused by the factors of our current life. These difficulties need to be solved based on a new philosophy of education, where the main goal is the formation of a creative, highly educated, spiritually enriched personality with a high level of national and aesthetic culture.


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How to Cite

Лукина ЕВ, Бадулина ОИ. Principles of reforming musical art education in higher educational institutions. УО [Internet]. 2023Jan.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];13(3):10-6. Available from: