The class teacher of the St. Petersburg school: touches to the portrait


  • Svetlana E. Berestovitskaya St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
  • Natalia V. Eremina St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
  • Svetlana G. Timchenko St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
  • Irina E. Kuzmina St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
  • Natalia A. Zhukova St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education
  • Natalia M. Skomorova St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education



class teacher, personal motives of activity, professional role, motivation


The article presents the results of the study "Class teacher in a St. Petersburg school: the role and content of activities", carried out at the Department of Social and Pedagogical Education of St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Education in March 2022. Particular attention is paid to the personal motives of the class teacher and the impact of changes in education on its content. Teachers were interested in all the proposed topics of professional growth, but there were no topics chosen by the majority. 16% of respondents consider it relevant to use modern technologies in the activities of the class teacher. 14% highlighted the importance of introducing educational practices in the space of a child growing up. Almost the same number - about 11% - scored such topics as the creation of a children's team, the organization of preventive activities of the class teacher with children at risk, and the role of the class teacher as a mediator. Another 6% of teachers noted the use of interactive technologies in the activities of the class teacher and work with children with disabilities. Almost the same number (or 5%) of teachers are in favor of organizing parental forums and seminars, as well as the formation of a value worldview. In the list of possible topical topics and questions, there was also a place for problems related to working as a class teacher. These are difficulties in organizing work with problem parents and psychological burnout. Some teachers believe that the class teacher should be a person exempted from teaching a subject.


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How to Cite

Берестовицкая СЭ, Еремина НВ, Тимченко СГ, Кузьмина ИЕ, Жукова НА, Скомороваа НМ. The class teacher of the St. Petersburg school: touches to the portrait. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(12):141-53. Available from: