Communicative stylistics of the text in the methodology of teaching literature in the study of V.M. Shukshin's stories


  • Natalia A. Nakonechnaya Moscow Financial and Industrial University Synergy
  • Olga V. Efimova Moscow Financial and Industrial University Synergy



methods of teaching literature, communicative stylistics of literary test, linguistic personality, speech manifestation, tactics and strategies of speech behavior, addressee and addressee of the literary text, dialogue, communicative pragmatics, hermeneutics of the text, a comprehensive analysis of the literary work


The article discusses the methodological possibilities of communicative stylistics on the example of studying the stories of V.M. Shukshin. The aspects of the inclusion of a functional-pragmatic, integrated approach to the study of a literary work are determined. It is determined how the personality of the writer manifests his subjectivity through a literary work, which is primarily the result of mental and speech activity. The effectiveness of referring to the text of a work of art in literature lessons as a speech event is substantiated. The features of the author-addressee, the dialogue specifics of the works are revealed; analysis of speech situations and characters of V.M. Shukshin as linguistic personalities. As a result of the study, the necessity of attention to the communicative organization of the author's texts is proved, which helps to reveal the author's skill in creating social, group and individual characteristics of the characters' speech in comprehending the author's ideological intent. It can be argued that at present the literary work and the author are becoming the center of psycholinguistic research included in the multifaceted analysis of the literary work. In the concept of linguistic personality, the connection of language with the individual consciousness of the personality, with its worldview is fixed. The subjectivity of the author is studied through a literary work, which is primarily the result of mental and speech activity.


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How to Cite

Наконечная НА, Ефимова ОВ. Communicative stylistics of the text in the methodology of teaching literature in the study of V.M. Shukshin’s stories. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(12):91-9. Available from: