Methodological aspects of the study of Anglicisms in secondary school


  • Raisa M. Mutushanova Chechen State University Pedagogical University
  • Inna B. Bachalova Kadyrov Chechen State University



borrowed vocabulary, anglicisms, Russian, language competence


The article is devoted to methodological aspects of studying borrowed vocabulary in the Russian language, in particular from the English language. Russian Russian is a dynamic layer of lexical composition, so the study of Anglicisms in the school course of the Russian language occupies one of the leading places. The authors note that words borrowed from the English language make up a dynamic layer of lexical composition in the Russian language. The study of borrowed vocabulary is based on the following principles: extralinguistic, lexico-grammatical; semantic; diachronic. Each of these principles provides a versatile work on the word not only in Russian lessons, but also in lessons on other subjects. During the study of borrowed vocabulary, students get acquainted with the system of lexical concepts, enriching their active vocabulary. Secondary school students are exposed not only to intra-subject connections that create prerequisites for studying various sections of the school course on a lexical basis, but also the opportunity to achieve integration in the content and forms of education. The process of borrowing words is natural and inevitable, the use of foreign words is a lexical norm. Therefore, when choosing words, it is necessary to pay attention to the meaning of words, their stylistic coloring, compatibility with other words. Violation of any of these criteria leads to speech errors.


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How to Cite

Мутусханова РМ, Бачалова ИБ. Methodological aspects of the study of Anglicisms in secondary school. УО [Internet]. 2022Dec.1 [cited 2024Jul.1];12(11):62-8. Available from: