Development of creative thinking of preschoolers through triz technology


  • Larisa V. Mamedova Technical Institute (branch) North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov



creative thinking, technologies of the theory of solving inventive tasks, preschool age, methods and techniques of TRIZ


The help of the technology of the theory of solving inventive tasks (TRIZ) in the development of creative thinking of children is the main issue discussed in this article. The first stage of educational systems is preschool education. Today, society is making new demands, and the main task of preschool education is to educate a new generation, or rather children with high creative abilities. Teachers know perfectly well that every child is born creative and gifted. Only improper upbringing and training can ruin this talent. To succeed, children need to develop creative thinking, the ability to think outside the box, to look at the world around them. The article also describes the data obtained during an empirical study of the level of creative thinking of preschoolers according to such criteria as: "flexibility", "fluency" and "originality" on the basis of MBDOU "CRR – kindergarten "Snowflake" in Aldan. Based on the generalization of pedagogical and psychological experience of specialists, methods and techniques of modern TRIZ technology were selected so that children could solve problems and approach the solution in a more creative way. A series of classes using TRIZ technology and a card file of correctional and educational games are described. 


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How to Cite

Mamedova LV. Development of creative thinking of preschoolers through triz technology. УО [Internet]. 2022 Nov. 25 [cited 2024 Nov. 24];12(10):148-54. Available from: