Creation of mobile electronic educational resources in teaching students on the basis of tool complexes in the mineral resource complex


  • Hasan A. Mamed-zade Russian State Social University
  • Yuri V. Zabaykin Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Exploration University



complex, education, mobility, teacher, competence


The use of instrumental complexes in the educational sphere currently determines only the possibility of additional transfer of knowledge or increasing the level of assimilation of knowledge. This is primarily determined by the fact that instrumental methods are used irregularly and cannot always be used in everyday learning. Also, the use of instrumental methods can be implemented only if only one lesson is devoted to their application or the application is not regular due to the inability of the teacher to use it. The novelty of the research is determined by the fact that the use of tool complexes allows you to create mobile learning complexes that can be used in the formation of a remote or distributed educational environment. In this regard, the authors show that the main source of the development of mobile electronic resources for training can be a methodologist or a teacher, provided that the appropriate competence is formed. The article notes that competence is the basis for building any mobile complex. The practical significance of the study is defined as an environment for obtaining high-quality content of the mobile educational environment for the purposes of continuity of the learning process in the conditions of both a pandemic and other negative social and economic phenomena. 


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How to Cite

Мамед-заде ГА, Забайкин ЮВ. Creation of mobile electronic educational resources in teaching students on the basis of tool complexes in the mineral resource complex. УО [Internet]. 2022Sep.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(7):198-213. Available from: