Economic and social significance of education in finance


  • Yuri V. Zabaykin Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Exploration University
  • Ekaterina V. Krasavina Russian Customs Academy
  • Vladimir A. Sologub South Russian Institute of Management -Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy
  • Irina A. Khasheva South Russian Institute of Management -Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy



pedagogy, economics, education, training, mathematics


Economic education as a sphere of extremely important socio-economic activity is a strategic resource for the development of the national economy, ensuring the growth of its competitiveness in the context of rapid transformational changes of a global nature. Today, the labor market is crowded with graduates of economic specialties, but there is a demand for specialists who meet the globalization and integration challenges, the requirements of a market economy. Higher education institutions (universities) face the problem of training specialists-economists of a new generation who are able to work effectively in modern conditions, find and boldly make optimal decisions, actively implement them, have high intellectual and creative potential, professional mobility and professionalism, compete in the global labor market, create and run their own business, to lead an enterprise, that is, to have creative thinking against the background of high individual competence. Therefore, students who build and research models can achieve a high level of creativity. So, the introduction of elements of mathematical modeling into the educational process is one of the effective means of improving the professional training of future economists in the process of teaching mathematical disciplines.


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How to Cite

Забайкин ЮВ, Красавина ЕВ, Сологуб ВА, Хашева ИА. Economic and social significance of education in finance. УО [Internet]. 2022May15 [cited 2024Jun.29];12(7):39-45. Available from:

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