Information and cybersecurity technology in higher education institutions


  • Alexandr S. Oleinik National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)
  • Viktor M. Gerasimov ITMO University
  • Farid K. Nadirovich Bauman Moscow state technical university
  • Iuliia M. Gainulova Saint Petersburg State University
  • Denis S. Kalinin Moscow State University of Civil Engineering



software, cybersecurity, university, information


Today, with the widespread availability of the Internet and the rapid development of communications, there is a very noticeable gap in the expectations of students and the opportunities that higher education institutions (universities) in Russia can offer them. Under these conditions, the forms and methods of educational activities in domestic universities should be constantly updated depending on the information needs and technological development of society. At the same time, ensuring information and cybersecurity of both educational materials and other restricted access information, as well as the IT infrastructure itself from accidental or targeted attacks, should not be the last place in this process. The implementation of these tasks is complicated by the fact that Russian universities are currently undergoing a period of adaptation not only to the objective processes of the information society, but also to new socio-political conditions with diverse manifestations of competition.


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How to Cite

Олейник АС, Герасимов ВМ, Халилуллин ФН, Гайнулова ЮМ, Калинин ДС. Information and cybersecurity technology in higher education institutions. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.20 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(5):240-7. Available from:

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