Development of basic elements of pedagogical education


  • Yuri V. Zabaykin Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State Geological Exploration University
  • Ekaterina V. Krasavina Russian Customs Academy
  • Vladimir A. Sologub South Russian Institute of Management -Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy
  • Irina A. Khasheva South Russian Institute of Management -Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy



economics, education, pedagogy, research, analysis


The basic elements of economic education can be laid down during a child's visit to a preschool educational institution at the age of 3-6 years. An example of this approach is the program of the International Foundation "Aflatoun International" (the Netherlands). Taking into account the current state of implementation of the fundamentals of economic education in preschool educational institutions in Russia, within the framework of this study, we consider it appropriate to consider a school as an educational institution, which is the first to provide knowledge that will form the basis for the formation of an individual's economic competence in the future. For a long time, the economic education of schoolchildren was carried out as part of the study of economic geography, and, as a rule, by geography teachers. As a result, economics was not a priority subject in general educational institutions (OUZ). This made it impossible for schoolchildren to form a sense and awareness of the importance of the economic component of the causes, course and results of environmental processes. The reason for this is that most of the teachers who taught economics themselves do not have the experience and the appropriate worldview to form an objective economically conscious worldview of the student. Thanks to the introduction of elements of economic information into the lives of preschool children, the prerequisites for economic thinking are laid in them. As a result, elements of deductive thinking begin to manifest in children of this age, and speech also acts as a regulator of children's behavior and activity. As a result, children of senior preschool age (5-6 years old) they have the opportunity to understand such concepts as "price", "money", "family budget" (while distinguishing income and expenses), and others, which is the basis for the formation of economic competence of preschoolers.


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How to Cite

Забайкин ЮВ, Красавина ЕВ, Сологуб ВА, Хашева ИА. Development of basic elements of pedagogical education. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(5):187-93. Available from:

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