Interdisciplinary integration of diverse aspects in a medical institution of higher education


  • Gaina A. Arsakhanova Chechen State University named after A-X.Kadyrova



diversified aspects, interdisciplinarity, medicine, education


The implementation of interdisciplinary connections in educational activities is one of the necessary didactic means of forming students' professional knowledge and skills. It is important that the educational information acquired during the study of other disciplines is not repeated, but is used to motivate students' learning activities, actualize their knowledge, skills and abilities, substantiate, clarify the essence of phenomena, modeling processes, and the like. The problem of interdisciplinary integration in education has been studied for a long time. The absence, unscientific or insufficient depth of interdisciplinary integration often led, on the one hand, to the duplication of individual issues in different sciences in conditions of a shortage of academic time, and on the other hand, to insufficient assimilation by students of a number of topics in disciplines. Based on our long-term experience of teaching the discipline on the basis of a purposeful, theoretically and technologically sound selection of structural elements of the content, the system-forming links of the discipline "Latin language and medical terminology" with other disciplines with which the Latin language is connected by integration links were identified. Among them, first of all, human anatomy, pharmacology, biology, general and biological chemistry, normal physiology and the like. If we consider the importance of the Latin language for the formation of terminological competence of future doctors, then we can unequivocally assert close integration ties with all disciplines that students study at senior courses without exception.


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How to Cite

Арсаханова ГА. Interdisciplinary integration of diverse aspects in a medical institution of higher education. УО [Internet]. 2022Jun.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(5):38-43. Available from:

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