Procedures for external and internal evaluation of the quality of education in the activities of the head of an educational organization: audit and moderation


  • Konstantin B. Egorov Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University
  • Vera A. Zakharova Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University



educational organization management, external evaluation, internal evaluation, head of an educational organization, higher education, additional professional education, general education, functional skills, audit, moderation


The modern education system works in the context of updating approaches to the external evaluation of the quality of education (monitoring within the framework of state accreditation, professional public accreditation, independent assessment of qualifications, etc.). New models of external evaluation stimulate understanding of the internal system of quality evaluation in educational organizations. Accordingly, in the activities of the head of an educational organization, the importance of understanding the essence of the procedures for external and internal evaluation increases. The training programs for heads of educational organizations at the university and in additional professional education should include sections on evaluation procedures in management. Such programs can be implemented by order of federal, regional or municipal education authorities. The article considers such procedures for assessing the quality of education as audit and moderation, analyzes the Russian and international practice of their application, investigates the origin and development of the term, and gives classifications. The use of audit and moderation is advisable in the management of educational holdings or a network of educational organizations.


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How to Cite

Егоров КБ, Захарова ВА. Procedures for external and internal evaluation of the quality of education in the activities of the head of an educational organization: audit and moderation. УО [Internet]. 2022May15 [cited 2024Jun.30];12(3):170-8. Available from: