Methodological potential of the dystopia genre in the development of students' reading competence


  • Elena V. Ushakova Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy"



anti-utopia, utopia, reading competence, motivation, methodology of teaching literature, Orwell, Huxley, Bradbury


The article discusses the characteristic features of dystopias and analyzes the reasons for their popularity among students. The range of problems raised in these works is outlined, and the possibilities of turning to this genre in education, its significant potential in shaping the reading competence of students are outlined. It is noted that in the current situation, when there is a drop in interest in reading, it is this genre that can help to captivate students into the world of literature. An important aspect is the use in the classroom of elements of comparing modern cinema and fiction works, the identification of similar plot features and issues, which contributes to the development of critical thinking. Questions and assignments, recommendations for work in the history of literature classes at colleges and universities have been developed, conditions and stages for holding seminars and discussions have been determined. The ways of solving the problem of increasing the students’ interest in the study of the work of Russian and foreign writers are presented. The dystopian novels proposed for analysis touch upon the problems of freedom and independence of the individual, obtaining value  orientations, the role of progress and the dominance of modern scientific technologies in the development of mankind as the closest for the younger generation in search of self-determination.


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How to Cite

Ушакова ЕВ. Methodological potential of the dystopia genre in the development of students’ reading competence. УО [Internet]. 2022Feb.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];12(1):60-8. Available from: