Innovative strategies for the formation of metacognitive skills among students in the context of digital transformation of higher education
metacognitive skills, digital transformation, higher education, innovative educational strategies, electronic portfolio, interactive diary, adaptive feedback.Abstract
In the context of the rapid digitalization of the higher education system, the problem of developing students' metacognitive skills is of particular importance. The analysis of modern scientific literature indicates that the theoretical and applied aspects of this issue are insufficiently developed. The purpose of the study is to develop and test innovative strategies for the formation of metacognitive skills among students in the context of the digital transformation of universities. The research is based on the integration of competence-based, activity-based and metacognitive approaches. The empirical part of the work included a pedagogical experiment (n=120), questionnaires, testing, statistical data processing (Student's t-test, Mann-Whitney U-test). Three key strategies for the development of metacognitive skills in the digital educational environment have been identified: 1) reflective electronic portfolio; 2) interactive metacognitive diaries; 3) adaptive feedback systems. Their effectiveness has been experimentally proven (p<0.01). The results obtained make a significant contribution to the theory and methodology of vocational education. The proposed strategies can be widely applied in the practice of universities. The prospects for further research are related to the study of the long-term effects of these strategies.
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