Investments in human capital and vocational education


  • Zina A. Arsakhanova Chechen State University



Investment, human capital, organization, environment, education


Formed and developed human capital is the basis for the development of socio-economic systems at any level. At the same time, the effectiveness of the activities of subjects of economic relations directly depends on the personnel component of their economic potential, because responsible, qualified and motivated personnel is the basis for the successful implementation of management decisions, the implementation of development strategies, compliance with the economic security of the subject. In turn, if all the problematic issues of personnel motivation to achieve the goals of the organization, as a subject of economic relations, are solved at the micro level, that is, in the internal organizational environment, then the problems of forming the responsibility and qualifications of employees directly depend on the education they have acquired. This actualizes the role and importance of the higher education system, which for more than twenty years has become not a privilege of the most gifted, but a real source of qualified personnel for all spheres, sectors and branches of the national economy, as a system-forming link in the process of forming the human capital of economic entities, primarily industrial and commercial activities. The latter determines the priority of the development of the subjects of providing educational services in the field of higher education, as subjects and objects of investment activity, taking into account the dualistic nature of the sources and results of investment.


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How to Cite

Арсаханова ЗА. Investments in human capital and vocational education. УО [Internet]. 2021Sep.15 [cited 2024Jul.17];11(4):274-81. Available from:

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