Problems of formation and effective use of financial resources of local self-government bodies: experience of educational management organizations


  • Malika U. Baysaeva Chechen State University
  • Markha V. Arsamakova Chechen State University
  • Zubayr I. Baysaev Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration



Management, education, financial resources, higher education institutions


The effectiveness of solving the problems of socio-economic development of Russia in general, and indeed of any region of the country, largely depends on the availability and use of the intellectual potential of society, a significant part of which is concentrated in the education system. The experience of developed countries confirms the opinion that the higher the level of education of their population, the higher the level of socio-economic development of the state. That is why developed countries direct financial resources to support and ensure the development of higher education. It should be noted that the level of human potential depends on the educational level in the state, while the level of development of the region depends on the quality of human resources, so the analysis of the state and patterns of development of educational institutions in modern conditions is a very relevant topic. In the context of the reform of higher education, the attention of scientists, political and public figures to this problem is quite obvious. The financing of higher education institutions should be aimed at certain goals. They are implemented with the help of budget financing, which is carried out in the management system of the economy as a whole and by creating economic conditions in the field of education, according to the tasks of the state's economic policy in this area at the appropriate stage of development. The financing policy should be targeted, stable and transparent. It is very important to improve the financing mechanisms aimed at the development of the higher education system in Russia.


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How to Cite

Байсаева МУ, Арсамакова МВ, Байсаев ЗИ. Problems of formation and effective use of financial resources of local self-government bodies: experience of educational management organizations. УО [Internet]. 2021Sep.15 [cited 2024Jun.30];11(4):265-73. Available from:

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