The possibilities of using situational analysis in the training of a specialist in the field of media communications


  • Victoria V. Volkova Institute of Mass Media and Advertising of the Russian State University for the Humanities
  • Denis G. Korovyakovsky Institute of Mass Media and Advertising of the Russian State University for the Humanities


training of a specialist in the field of media communications, active learning technologies, situational analysis, case study method


The article discusses the possibilities of using situational analysis in the training of specialists in the field of media communications. The relevance of the topic is due to the need to modernize the methodological support of the educational process, taking into account the characteristics of a modern student. The purpose of the study is to identify the potential of situational analysis as an active training technology for future media specialists. The methods included the analysis of scientific literature, generalization of pedagogical experience in teaching specialized disciplines, and a sociological survey of students (n=109). It is established that situational analysis contributes to the formation of key professional competencies: communication skills, presentation skills, interactivity, self-esteem, etc. Various types of situations have been identified (situation-illustration, situation- assessment, situation-exercise) and forms of work (analysis of specific situations, case study). An algorithm for applying the case study method has been developed, including the stages of analyzing the practical situation in subgroups, inter-group discussion, and summing up. In conclusion, conclusions are drawn about the didactic potential of situational analysis, recommendations are given for its effective use in the context of digitalization and taking into account the psychological characteristics of students (clip thinking).


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How to Cite

Volkova VV, Korovyakovsky DG. The possibilities of using situational analysis in the training of a specialist in the field of media communications. УО [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 15 [cited 2024 Nov. 24];14(4-1):194-202. Available from:

