The possibilities of using intensive learning technologies in the training of a specialist in the field of media communications


  • Victoria V. Volkova Institute of Mass Media and Advertising of the Russian State University for the Humanities
  • Denis G. Korovyakovsky Institute of Mass Media and Advertising of the Russian State University for the Humanities


training of a specialist in the field of media communications, intensive learning technologies, binary lecture, the method of «buzzing groups», intelligence cards, a folder with incoming documents


The relevance of the research is due to the need to improve the methodological support for training specialists in the field of media communications in the context of the digital transformation of the media industry and the higher education system. The purpose of the work is to identify the possibilities of using intensive learning technologies for the formation of professional competencies among students of the 42.03.05 «Media Communications» training area. The methodological basis was based on activity-based and contextual approaches, as well as a set of empirical methods: a survey, a questionnaire, interviews, focus groups (sample - 109 people). Key results: 1) deficiencies of traditional teaching methods of specialized disciplines have been identified; 2) optimal intensive technologies for implementation (binary lecture, the method of «buzzing groups», intelligence maps, etc.) have been identified; 3) their effectiveness has been experimentally proven for the development of cognitive interest, communicative abilities and practical skills of students; 4) methodological recommendations for integration have been developed these technologies are included in the educational process. The research is of applied importance for the modernization of educational programs for the training of media specialists. It is advisable to direct further research to scaling and a comprehensive assessment of the effects of the identified pedagogical innovations.


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How to Cite

Volkova VV, Korovyakovsky DG. The possibilities of using intensive learning technologies in the training of a specialist in the field of media communications. УО [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 15 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];14(4-1):11-9. Available from:

