Study of the development of children's communication skills in senior preschool age
communication skills, senior preschool age, social and communicative development, diagnosticsAbstract
Modern education pays special attention to the development of communication skills in preschoolers. In paragraph 2.6 of the federal educational program of preschool education, it is noted that social and communicative development is aimed at assimilation of norms and values accepted in society, including moral and moral values; development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers. This article describes the results of the primary research conducted on the basis of MBOU «C(K)NSH-DS No. 2» Neryungri city. The experiment involved an older group of 5-6-year-olds in the number of 16 people. To determine the initial level of development of communication skills of preschool children, we used the following methods: diagnosis of the leading form of communication of preschoolers (M.I. Lisina); diagnosis of social and communicative competence (O.V. Dybina); diagnosis of the formation of perceptual communication skills «Labyrinth» (L.A. Wenger).
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